The latest design leaked from the top secret Electremedia Design Lab will not only attract customers, it will tell them the time of day, without using a clock!

Since the seasons are always changing, we designed this sign to be dynamic, and cycle between Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange every hour, with the season icon changing accordingly.

Try it for yourself!  Looking at the image below, what time of day is it? *

Monument sign for Four Seasons Sunrooms designed by Electremedia.* Solution:  Using the sign color order above, blue occurs at midnight, lasting until 1am, so the highlighted leaf and corresponding color, along with a partially illuminated sky, could only be 7am, 7pm or 9pm, depending on your location and time of year.

Here are some other images from the project.  Actually, those have been removed.  The reason why this post remains published is to illustrate our creative thinking, and to remove work we ultimately declined.



(Here’s a detailed explanation of the signs functionality.  Every hour, the sign changes from one of the four colors in the logo.  The white letters are always illuminatd, along with the squares behind each logo.  Beginning at midnight, the halo color of the well changes to blue, and the snowflake icon lights up.  At 1am, the halo well fades to green, and the flower icon illuminates.  This process continues throughout the 24 hour period.)