Custom Signs OKC designed and installed this beautiful

halo illuminated lobby sign

for Prospera Private Wealth based on their logo and a very popular sign design of ours. This design includes the logo being internally illuminated and pushed through a metallic metal face and surrounding the perimeter with halo illumination that’s remote controllable.

Another angle of a halo illuminated lobby sign we made for Prospera.
Another angle of the reception sign we made for Prospera.

The Type of Sign it is

We call this “a halo lit push thru acrylic wall sign.” What that mean’s is that the primary logo is cut out from the metal face, then the logo is reverse or “positive” cut from acrylic, which is then backed with translucent vinyl, LED lighting and pushed through the sign face about 1/2 (more upon request). For added beauty we outline the perimeter of the sign with remote controllable RGB LEDs, so you can dial in your own colors.

How it's Made For You

How we design and fabricate a sign like this for you is to first take your logo in vector format and ask it what it want’s to be!  Yes, every logo has it’s own wish to be… not! Rewind!  That’s not the way we play the game.  A logo serves many profitable business purposes, intentional and directed by the goals of the business. Respecting that design purpose that was brought to us, as designers ourselves, we translate your logo graphics into an illuminated sign.  Colors go where they should, usually, unless we discover together that in this instance, things work better differently.

We then do some 3D modeling and rendering to see how it might look in the real world by testing it in the virtual.  Once you’re pleased, we make it happen!

If you would like more information on obtaining your own halo illuminated lobby sign or a custom sign of your own please call us at (405) 806-0722, fill out our Quote Request Form, or send us a message through our Contact Page.  Thank you for visiting our website.  Similar information is available at our parent domain,